Review of my Joy For All Companion Pets Golden Pup

In 2016, the firm Hasbro, well known for its quality toys, developed a line of animatronic cats. These, however, were not toys. They were therapeutic aids for the elderly, the infirm, or people who, for whatever reason, could not have a pet. The cats were extensively tested in partnership with the US Meals on Wheels service and proved so successful that they were launched on the Hasbro JoyForAll website, where they went on to be so successful that more colored models were released and, in 2017, a puppy.

I heard about the puppy from an American friend. I had been saying how much I liked small dogs, but because of my illness, and because of the fact that pets weren't allowed in our building, I'd never get to have one. My friend told me how she had bought the puppy for her grandparents who had just lost their dog and could not consider buying another. She told me how much they had taken to it and I was interested. I have looked at many robotic dogs but have always been put off them. They need an app, they don't sound realistic enough, they move, I couldn't follow them around, always something. This wasn't a toy, it was almost like a reborn but not, it was right up my street.

It took a lot to get one of these pups, as they are not freely available in the UK, but since Hero arrived, a lot of people have asked me about him. So I thought you might like this piece of audio in which I give you a thorough review of him and show you exactly how he works and what he does. It might sound like not much when you hear it. But when you hold that lapful of life size golden retriever puppy, I think it's the closest you'll ever get to having a real one if a real pup isn't possible.

You can find Joy For All Companion Pets in the US here: